Have a school that have just become a client and the 1st job was to replace the server - was previously a not so high end PC running W2K3 Server so have added a decent box running W2K3 RAID 5 etc.
Need to change Printer mappings, Location of My Docs, where the start menu is etc.
Mostly being done by GPO ...... (MMC set to filter on defined objects)
so edit printer.vbs to new location -- printer maps to new server,
then edit User Config, Windows Settings, Folder Redirection, Start Menu, Advanced - Specify Location for Various Group Membership to reflect new server -- Works Great,
then check My Docs setting, Basic - Redirect everyones folder to the same location - Use Users Home Directory - so then change Home Dir location in users profiles to new server -- no joy --- directory does not chnage and the option is greyed out.
Next check registry --- sure enough HK_Current_User\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer DisableChangePersonalDir is set.
Users are not admins, so a reg hack doesn't work.
Log on as Admin, check under HK_Users\S-1-5-21 etc etc and there is no entry for the non admin profiles for the above settting (When I test on standalone XP box and set the DiasableChangePersonalDir option it DOES appear in the HK_USERS hive)
Can't see anywhere else in G.P.O. etc that is setting this ... if I change the user to admin, run the reg hack, manually change the dir location and change back to user, it works and stays there.
So where else could this be set from? Why is it not showing up in HK_USERS (makes me think it's only being done at start up)? and how can I change this on multiple PC;s with Multiple profiles easily & quickly?
<Do I need A Signature or will an X do?>
Need to change Printer mappings, Location of My Docs, where the start menu is etc.
Mostly being done by GPO ...... (MMC set to filter on defined objects)
so edit printer.vbs to new location -- printer maps to new server,
then edit User Config, Windows Settings, Folder Redirection, Start Menu, Advanced - Specify Location for Various Group Membership to reflect new server -- Works Great,
then check My Docs setting, Basic - Redirect everyones folder to the same location - Use Users Home Directory - so then change Home Dir location in users profiles to new server -- no joy --- directory does not chnage and the option is greyed out.
Next check registry --- sure enough HK_Current_User\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer DisableChangePersonalDir is set.
Users are not admins, so a reg hack doesn't work.
Log on as Admin, check under HK_Users\S-1-5-21 etc etc and there is no entry for the non admin profiles for the above settting (When I test on standalone XP box and set the DiasableChangePersonalDir option it DOES appear in the HK_USERS hive)
Can't see anywhere else in G.P.O. etc that is setting this ... if I change the user to admin, run the reg hack, manually change the dir location and change back to user, it works and stays there.
So where else could this be set from? Why is it not showing up in HK_USERS (makes me think it's only being done at start up)? and how can I change this on multiple PC;s with Multiple profiles easily & quickly?
<Do I need A Signature or will an X do?>