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Change multiple Hyperlinks

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The REPLACE function (i.e. EDIT-REPLACE or CTRL-H) should do this for you.
No, that does not work!

My hyperlink text as displayed in the cell (like: Click here to get to xxx) would be edited but not the adress behind it.

If I search for
I don't get a hit because this string is only present in the link but not in the text displayed in the cell.

Regards, Frank
Understand now. YOu have hidden a hyperlink behind a descriptive word as opposed to presenting the hyperlink itself.

Sorry! My method would work if the hyperlink is visible, and not hidden behind a word (or words). I am not aware of a way to make a wholesale change/replace of hyperlinks set up the way you describe.

try something like this

Option Explicit

Sub test()
  Dim oWS As Worksheet
  Dim oLink As Hyperlink
  Dim sOldStart As String
  Dim sNewStart As String
  Dim sOldAddress As String
  sOldStart = "J:\"
  sNewStart = "C:\"
  Set oWS = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet
  For Each oLink In oWS.Hyperlinks
    sOldAddress = oLink.Address
    If LCase$(Left$(sOldAddress, Len(sOldStart))) = LCase$(sOldStart) Then
      oLink.Address = sNewStart & Mid$(sOldAddress, Len(sOldStart) + 1)
    End If
  Next oLink
End Sub
Thanks for giving me this hint.
I change it somewhat to be more flexible...

Sub Hyperlink_change()
Dim oWS As Worksheet
Dim oLink As Hyperlink
Dim sOldAdr As String
Dim sNewAdr As String
Dim sOldAddress As String
Dim Position1 As Long
Dim Position2 As Long

sOldAdr = "xxx"
sNewAdr = "yyy"

Set oWS = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet

For Each oLink In oWS.Hyperlinks
sOldAddress = oLink.Address
If LCase$(InStr(sOldAddress, sOldAdr)) <> 0 Then
Position1 = InStr(sOldAddress, sOldAdr) - 1
Position2 = Len(sOldAddress) - (Position1 + Len(sOldAdr))
oLink.Address = Left(sOldAddress, Position1) & sNewAdr & Right(sOldAddress, Position2)
End If
Next oLink
End Sub

Thanks again!

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Part and Inventory Search

