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Change flash into image if browser doesn't support flash

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New member
Jan 1, 1970
Can anyone check my code and tell me whats wrong with it??
goto to see it (the one of the building) I need to change that to an image if a browser doesn't support flash, the code below is the code I have but I think it has some problems! If anyone could help me out I would appriciate it!!! Thanks!!

<object classid=&quot;clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000&quot; codebase=&quot; width=&quot;279&quot; height=&quot;157&quot;>
<param name=movie value=&quot;buildsnow.swf&quot;>
<param name=quality value=high>
<embed src=&quot;buildsnow.swf&quot; quality=high width=&quot;279&quot; height=&quot;157&quot;>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=&quot;JavaScript&quot;>
<!-hide contents from old browsers

//If this browser understands the mimeTypes property and recognizes the MIME Type //&quot;application/x-shockwave-flash&quot;...
if (navigator.mimeTypes && navigator.mimeTypes[&quot;application/x-shockwave-flash&quot;]){

//...write out the following <EMBED> tag into the document.
document.write('<EMBED SRC=&quot;buildsnow.swf&quot; WIDTH=&quot;279&quot; HEIGHT=&quot;157&quot; LOOP=&quot;true&quot; QUALITY=&quot;high&quot;>');

else {

//...write out the following <IMG> tag into the document. The image need
//not be the same size as the Flash Player movie, but it may help you lay out the
/page if you can predict the size of the object reliably.
document.write('<IMG SRC=&quot;images/xmasbuild.jpg&quot; WIDTH=&quot;279&quot; HEIGHT=&quot;157&quot; ALT=&quot;Non-Shockwave Welcome&quot;>');

//Done hiding from old browsers. -->
try to view source after the page is loaded, and tell us if it has actually written what you expected to
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