I am not sure if this is possible, this is made with VBA code
I have a search field which updates a sub form and I made it so it updates for each key keypress. The update to the sub form is done with filter
So when I search after a name and type in t then all with t appears if then I type o then its all with to etc
This works fine as it is, I made it so it update a label which I then uses for my filter.
Buuuuuuuuut the problem is, if I delete something from the text box I am not able to see where it has been deleted.
Another issue is that I am not able to see the value in a text box before after the focus is gone, is there a way for me to see this ?
Anybody has any ideas ?
I am not sure if this is possible, this is made with VBA code
I have a search field which updates a sub form and I made it so it updates for each key keypress. The update to the sub form is done with filter
So when I search after a name and type in t then all with t appears if then I type o then its all with to etc
This works fine as it is, I made it so it update a label which I then uses for my filter.
Buuuuuuuuut the problem is, if I delete something from the text box I am not able to see where it has been deleted.
Another issue is that I am not able to see the value in a text box before after the focus is gone, is there a way for me to see this ?
Anybody has any ideas ?