Have question on how to change the expiration date of some tapes they currently have expiration date for one year. I need to chnage this date to 7 years. Does someone know command to make this change? I can currently running Networker 7.3.1 on windows.
The expiration date is not relative to the tape, but to the savesets on the tape!
- First solution: label the tape next week...
- Other solution: list the savesets on the tape, and check the expiration date of each:
mminfo -s <server> -q "volume=<volumename>,!ssrecycle" -r savetime,ssbrowse,ssretent,name,ssid
then change the retention for the savesets:
nsrmm -S <ssid> -w<date_browse> -e<date_exp>
Thank you that worked fine I used the second example. Is there a way that I can script the nsrmm command as each tape has over 70 savesets on them. I was abel to change the expiration of the tape to the correct date by just changing one saveset. But I would like to change the retention of all the savesets on the tapes ssid's
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