Technical User
change disk on vg00 need help please
If I want to change the disk on vg00 (system mirror) without outage but with new disks bigger size is it possible ?
Actually I have 2 disks on vg00 of 8GB and want to change to 36GB... (the same for the volume group data vg01)
If it is possible, did the following step that I thought are enough or did I miss some steps (I want to do this on vg00 and also on vg01) ?
1- Check the boot definition
# lvnlboot –v
# setboot
2- unmirror the volume group vg00
There is no command on hp-ux ? on AIX it is unmirrorvg vgname hdiskname …
Did I have to use lvreduce for each logical volume ?
# lvreduce –m 0 –A n /dev/vgname/lvname pvname
Do we have to put –m 0 or -m 1? I don’t understand this if I have 2 disk on vg00 and mirrored.
3- extend vg00 with the new disks (bigger size 36GB actual size of the current disks 8GB)
(First create the new disks: # pvcreate /dev/rdsk/cntmd0 etc…)
# vgextend /dev/vg00 /dev/dsk/cntmd0
# vgextend /dev/vg00 /dev/dsk/cn’tm’d0
4- copy disk to disk the data
Let say vg00 have the 2 disks: cxtxd0 and cytzd0 and 2 new disks cntmd0 and cn’dm’d0
Do we have to do like this below?
# pvmove /dev/dsk/cxtxd0 /dev/dsk/cntmd0
# pvmove /dev/dsk/cytzd0 /dev/dsk/cn’tm’d0
5- reduce the vg of the old disks
# vgreduce vg00 /dev/dsk/cxtxd0
# vgreduce vg00 /dev/dsk/cxtxd0
6- mirror the volume group vg00
No command to mirror a volume group? On AIX we use the command mirrorvg vgname
Have to do something like this on HP-UX ?
for LV in /dev/vg00/lv*
lvextend -m 1 $LV
7- Rebuild the boot disk image
On AIX we do this:
# bosboot -ad /dev/hdisk0
the check the bootlit:
# bootlist –m normal –o
But don't know how to do it on hp-ux … if someone can help me
8 - Make a system backup (make_tape_recovery)
Did I miss a step?
Thanks in advance
If I want to change the disk on vg00 (system mirror) without outage but with new disks bigger size is it possible ?
Actually I have 2 disks on vg00 of 8GB and want to change to 36GB... (the same for the volume group data vg01)
If it is possible, did the following step that I thought are enough or did I miss some steps (I want to do this on vg00 and also on vg01) ?
1- Check the boot definition
# lvnlboot –v
# setboot
2- unmirror the volume group vg00
There is no command on hp-ux ? on AIX it is unmirrorvg vgname hdiskname …
Did I have to use lvreduce for each logical volume ?
# lvreduce –m 0 –A n /dev/vgname/lvname pvname
Do we have to put –m 0 or -m 1? I don’t understand this if I have 2 disk on vg00 and mirrored.
3- extend vg00 with the new disks (bigger size 36GB actual size of the current disks 8GB)
(First create the new disks: # pvcreate /dev/rdsk/cntmd0 etc…)
# vgextend /dev/vg00 /dev/dsk/cntmd0
# vgextend /dev/vg00 /dev/dsk/cn’tm’d0
4- copy disk to disk the data
Let say vg00 have the 2 disks: cxtxd0 and cytzd0 and 2 new disks cntmd0 and cn’dm’d0
Do we have to do like this below?
# pvmove /dev/dsk/cxtxd0 /dev/dsk/cntmd0
# pvmove /dev/dsk/cytzd0 /dev/dsk/cn’tm’d0
5- reduce the vg of the old disks
# vgreduce vg00 /dev/dsk/cxtxd0
# vgreduce vg00 /dev/dsk/cxtxd0
6- mirror the volume group vg00
No command to mirror a volume group? On AIX we use the command mirrorvg vgname
Have to do something like this on HP-UX ?
for LV in /dev/vg00/lv*
lvextend -m 1 $LV
7- Rebuild the boot disk image
On AIX we do this:
# bosboot -ad /dev/hdisk0
the check the bootlit:
# bootlist –m normal –o
But don't know how to do it on hp-ux … if someone can help me
8 - Make a system backup (make_tape_recovery)
Did I miss a step?
Thanks in advance