Systems Engineer
Same old song and dance here...too many people calling 911 on accident. I have 5 phone systems with one having voicemail pro. I want to make sure I cover all my bases at what needs to be changed.
So we want to change the dial out from 9 to 8.
First place to change would be the short code. Change the 9N to an 8N.
Second, remove the 11 from the ARS table. We still have the 911 code in there and this will require people to enter 8911 or 911 specifically to actually dial 911.
Third, in Voicemail Pro Client change the 9 to an 8 wherever forwarding happens.
Am I missing anything? Overlooking anything? Any gotchas I should be concerned about?
So we want to change the dial out from 9 to 8.
First place to change would be the short code. Change the 9N to an 8N.
Second, remove the 11 from the ARS table. We still have the 911 code in there and this will require people to enter 8911 or 911 specifically to actually dial 911.
Third, in Voicemail Pro Client change the 9 to an 8 wherever forwarding happens.
Am I missing anything? Overlooking anything? Any gotchas I should be concerned about?