Hello, hope I am not in the wrong forum..
I want some of your opinions: As a contractor, I have developed a web change control system for a company, in PHP to build and deploy applications from source code. It interfaces to CVS and runs on Linux with MySQL - basically, you check out files,make tags and run diffs all transparently from your browser. The system lets you create and run scripts for your build, using variables you define, to compile, package and distribute builds - everything maintained in this program. It manages change control on files by keeping record of a file's test status as well of all the version detail contained by CVS. Mailing of difference lists and build results, as well as deployment status and resulst and creating reports, are only a small part of it all. It runs on Apache and can manage source code for any lanuage that can compile on Linux. It took about 10 months of full time development and were used for 6 months thereafter. Unfortunatly because of the wrong priorities (personal issues between company staff), they fell for a nice sales pitch and bough another system to do all of this. Lots of politics is causing them not to revert back to this system, although they are running 7 months in a very problematic environment, not to mention the mountains of money they are spending on it, trying to change it to fit their process. On site they have people from the new system permanently, to try and get the new system to do more or less to do what the old has. Yep, crazy...pride is a bad thing there. What I would like to know is if there is a need for something like this system. It was written to be very generic and to fit the general change control management process. Everyone who sees it ask me why I don't 'write' my own version of it, as they see the value of it..Thanks for your input.
I want some of your opinions: As a contractor, I have developed a web change control system for a company, in PHP to build and deploy applications from source code. It interfaces to CVS and runs on Linux with MySQL - basically, you check out files,make tags and run diffs all transparently from your browser. The system lets you create and run scripts for your build, using variables you define, to compile, package and distribute builds - everything maintained in this program. It manages change control on files by keeping record of a file's test status as well of all the version detail contained by CVS. Mailing of difference lists and build results, as well as deployment status and resulst and creating reports, are only a small part of it all. It runs on Apache and can manage source code for any lanuage that can compile on Linux. It took about 10 months of full time development and were used for 6 months thereafter. Unfortunatly because of the wrong priorities (personal issues between company staff), they fell for a nice sales pitch and bough another system to do all of this. Lots of politics is causing them not to revert back to this system, although they are running 7 months in a very problematic environment, not to mention the mountains of money they are spending on it, trying to change it to fit their process. On site they have people from the new system permanently, to try and get the new system to do more or less to do what the old has. Yep, crazy...pride is a bad thing there. What I would like to know is if there is a need for something like this system. It was written to be very generic and to fit the general change control management process. Everyone who sees it ask me why I don't 'write' my own version of it, as they see the value of it..Thanks for your input.