Hi. Here is a question. How do you change the career inside the company? I am an analyst/programmer in a non-technical department, and I am currently trying to move to an analyst position in the technical department. It’s a real problem! I like coding more than data analysis, but I like system analysis more than coding. I am doing it all right now, and I am tired of jumping from one field to another one doing the job that should have been done by three different specialists and getting the “non-technical” salary. My manager thinks I am a talented person, a problem solver with “can do” attitude, but she is not saying that to other managers because she will loose a cheap specialist she won’t be able to replace quickly and for the same price. At the same time, technical people do not know me and think that if I did not perform full-time system analysis, this means that I am not an experienced analyst. I do not know formal system analysis procedures, I should be trained, and they don’t care about my talents. As a result, I am facing a situation when I don’t want to work in my current department, and I cannot find the job inside the company where, I thought, a lot of people can evaluate my skills and knowledge properly according, for example, my reviews that have always been excellent.