In my table i have erroneously began the numbering with 6000 instead of with 7000. Is there any possibility that i change the number 6 with 7 in my coloumn clinetid? For example the clinet hving a number 6001 to read 7001 etc.
I have a code that resets the numbering from a new line :
CurrentDb.Execute "ALTER TABLE TblClients ALTER COLUMN Clientid COUNTER(" & rate & ",7001)"
But my queston is can i somehow change the existng nuber with 6000 with the numbers with 7 ?
I have a code that resets the numbering from a new line :
CurrentDb.Execute "ALTER TABLE TblClients ALTER COLUMN Clientid COUNTER(" & rate & ",7001)"
But my queston is can i somehow change the existng nuber with 6000 with the numbers with 7 ?