I've got a Crystal Report with a chart in it. It graphs several fields from a table. I was wondering if it was possible to tell the chart at runtime which fields that it had to graph.
For example:
There are a number of clients and each client has a Sum, Min, Max and Average for each product they sell. Is it possible to let the user choose to only graph Min and Max instead of all four? Or to let them graph only 3 of the 4, without having to include all possiblities in the Crystal Report and suppress the ones that don't apply.
Thanks in advance.
I've got a Crystal Report with a chart in it. It graphs several fields from a table. I was wondering if it was possible to tell the chart at runtime which fields that it had to graph.
For example:
There are a number of clients and each client has a Sum, Min, Max and Average for each product they sell. Is it possible to let the user choose to only graph Min and Max instead of all four? Or to let them graph only 3 of the 4, without having to include all possiblities in the Crystal Report and suppress the ones that don't apply.
Thanks in advance.