I've been developing a PERL CGI script under Windows.
I'm using ActiveState's PERL 5.6 and also DBI & DBD::ODBC to gain access
to my database.
I'm sending a long query string from the client (i.e. after ?), which
sometimes contains more than one value for some parameter (i.e. a=1&a=2 etc.).
I noticed that sometimes (when the URL is of a certain length) the script
crushes, bringing up the usual Windows-style message "Your application
has performed an illegal operation... bla bla bla" for the Perl interpreter.
The Web-page being generated by the script in this case is missing, and
as a result I get the famous "Internal Server Error 500" message.
What can I do? I tried to run this script from the command line (without
reading from the standard input, i.e. no CGI), with the same crash-causing
query string hard-coded - and it doesn't crash.
What's wrong? Is it something with the memory? It's interesting, because
it crashes on both Win98 and Win2K! And only with certaing URLs, which
have nothing special in them.
Maybe it's ActiveState that sucks? Are there any other Windows Perl interpreters
I can use for my CGI scripts?
I've been developing a PERL CGI script under Windows.
I'm using ActiveState's PERL 5.6 and also DBI & DBD::ODBC to gain access
to my database.
I'm sending a long query string from the client (i.e. after ?), which
sometimes contains more than one value for some parameter (i.e. a=1&a=2 etc.).
I noticed that sometimes (when the URL is of a certain length) the script
crushes, bringing up the usual Windows-style message "Your application
has performed an illegal operation... bla bla bla" for the Perl interpreter.
The Web-page being generated by the script in this case is missing, and
as a result I get the famous "Internal Server Error 500" message.
What can I do? I tried to run this script from the command line (without
reading from the standard input, i.e. no CGI), with the same crash-causing
query string hard-coded - and it doesn't crash.
What's wrong? Is it something with the memory? It's interesting, because
it crashes on both Win98 and Win2K! And only with certaing URLs, which
have nothing special in them.
Maybe it's ActiveState that sucks? Are there any other Windows Perl interpreters
I can use for my CGI scripts?