I am looking for a CGI script written in Perl that can do the following
Accept any number of Name/Value pairs as inputs
One NV Pair must be a template name and location
eg. ?template=../myvirtuallocation/template.shtml
so the script would be invoked using the following,
webaddress/cgi-bin/scriptname.cgi?template=../mylocation/template.shtml&name=value ...etc
The template specified in the NV pair needs to be parsed by the script looking for strings matching the following
<% value=name %>
Where name is the name of the NV pair
This string is to be replaced with the value of the matching NV pair
When the parsing is complete, the script needs to deliver the parsed page to the server for viewing by the requesting browser.
Thankyou for your assistance.
Accept any number of Name/Value pairs as inputs
One NV Pair must be a template name and location
eg. ?template=../myvirtuallocation/template.shtml
so the script would be invoked using the following,
webaddress/cgi-bin/scriptname.cgi?template=../mylocation/template.shtml&name=value ...etc
The template specified in the NV pair needs to be parsed by the script looking for strings matching the following
<% value=name %>
Where name is the name of the NV pair
This string is to be replaced with the value of the matching NV pair
When the parsing is complete, the script needs to deliver the parsed page to the server for viewing by the requesting browser.
Thankyou for your assistance.