I'm having some problems with using "cftransaction" with "cftry/cfcatch" tags. What happens is I make the insert into fail on purpose to see if the transaction would prevent the insertion of the new record. I am also using cftry/cfcatch to send myself an email when an error does occur.
But I noticed that the cftransaction does not work when I use it with cftry/cfcatch. When I enter a valid data the PK value is 1, then I make it fail (I get the email that it failed for a reason) and then I enter another valid data. The PK value should be 1 and 2 (because out of 3 attempts only 2 were valid) but instead I see 1 and 3. Why isn't it 1 and 2?
This is my code:
But I noticed that the cftransaction does not work when I use it with cftry/cfcatch. When I enter a valid data the PK value is 1, then I make it fail (I get the email that it failed for a reason) and then I enter another valid data. The PK value should be 1 and 2 (because out of 3 attempts only 2 were valid) but instead I see 1 and 3. Why isn't it 1 and 2?
This is my code:
<cfquery name="addProgram" datasource="#DB#">
DECLARE @TheTable_ID int
INSERT INTO myTableRec ( col1,
VALUES ( <cfif len(#FORM.col1#) GTE 1>#FORM.col1#<cfelse>NULL</cfif>,
<cfif len(#FORM.col2#) GTE 1>'#FORM.col2#'<cfelse>NULL</cfif>,
<cfif len(#FORM.col3#) GTE 1>'#FORM.col3#'<cfelse>NULL</cfif>,
<cfif len(#FORM.col4#) GTE 1>'#FORM.col4#'<cfelse>NULL</cfif>,
SELECT @TheTable_ID = @@identity
SELECT @TheTable_ID AS TheTable_ID
<cfcatch type="any">
<cfmail from="#sendErrEmailFrom#" to="#sendErrEmailTo#" subject="Error" type="html">
There was an error when adding/updating a program. <br/><br/>
The query set was:<br/>
INSERT INTO myTableRec ( col1,
VALUES ( <cfif len(#FORM.col1#) GTE 1>#FORM.col1#<cfelse>NULL</cfif>,
<cfif len(#FORM.col2#) GTE 1>'#FORM.col2#'<cfelse>NULL</cfif>,
<cfif len(#FORM.col3#) GTE 1>'#FORM.col3#'<cfelse>NULL</cfif>,
<cfif len(#FORM.col4#) GTE 1>'#FORM.col4#'<cfelse>NULL</cfif>,
The following is a cfdump of all relevant info:<br/>
<cfdump var="#cfcatch#">