I'm familiar with how CFSWITCH and CFIF statements can be used to filter conditionals, but is there a shorter way?
Right now I'm using CFIFs to filter through data and to print data based on a conditional result. For example:
<CFIF #acronym# EQ "A1">
<TD colspan="3" CLASS="#Class#" > <span class="maintext2"><a href="c_amp_detail_01.cfm?amp_id=#amp_id#&lan_year=#amplan_year#&cat=#cat#"><font color="##000099">#equipment# (#acronym#)</font></a></span> <div align="left"></div>
<CFELSEIF #acronym# EQ "A2">
<TD colspan="3" CLASS="#Class#" > <span class="maintext2"><a href="c_amp_detail_01.cfm?amp_id=#amp_id#&lan_year=#amplan_year#&subcat=#subcat#"><font color="##000099">#equipment#</font></a></span> <div align="left"></div>
But I've got multiple possibilities for the #acronym# data and I'm wondering if there's a shorter way to filter through the list; perhaps something akin to:
<CFIF #acronym# EQ "A1" OR "A2" OR "A3" OR "A4">
<CFELSEIF #acronym# EQ "B1" OR "B2" OR "B3" OR "B4">
Is there a syntax equivalent to this?
Right now I'm using CFIFs to filter through data and to print data based on a conditional result. For example:
<CFIF #acronym# EQ "A1">
<TD colspan="3" CLASS="#Class#" > <span class="maintext2"><a href="c_amp_detail_01.cfm?amp_id=#amp_id#&lan_year=#amplan_year#&cat=#cat#"><font color="##000099">#equipment# (#acronym#)</font></a></span> <div align="left"></div>
<CFELSEIF #acronym# EQ "A2">
<TD colspan="3" CLASS="#Class#" > <span class="maintext2"><a href="c_amp_detail_01.cfm?amp_id=#amp_id#&lan_year=#amplan_year#&subcat=#subcat#"><font color="##000099">#equipment#</font></a></span> <div align="left"></div>
But I've got multiple possibilities for the #acronym# data and I'm wondering if there's a shorter way to filter through the list; perhaps something akin to:
<CFIF #acronym# EQ "A1" OR "A2" OR "A3" OR "A4">
<CFELSEIF #acronym# EQ "B1" OR "B2" OR "B3" OR "B4">
Is there a syntax equivalent to this?