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CFMX Flash Forms and checkboxes 1

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Mar 20, 2001
I am building a Flash Form using CFMX 7. Most of the functionality is great except the checkboxes. I want to know if anyone else has run into similar issues:

1. The cfinput tag with type set to checkbox is difficult (at best) to validate
2. Why does it (checkbox) pass values of true and false instead of the value specified in the value attribute?
3. Why do the checkbox name attributes all have to be unique? Why can't it work like it does in HTML or like the radio buttons work?

Any insight would be appreciated.
I have had the same problems with checkboxes. the names don't have to be unique if they are used within a repeater tag, but then you can't set the checked attribute dynamically - well at least i haven't found a way yet. it is possible to make checkboxes pass the value you assign, but when someone de-selects the checkbox and then re-selects it, it reverts back to passing the true/false. nice!!!

I put in a request for this to be changed, but it looks like it was ignored. I even emailer mike nimer (the guy who is responsible for flash forms) but to no avail.

there was a bug with cfinput stuff that i think was fixed within cf 7.0.1 that fixes the validation of the checkbox, as before it was throwing two errors for one which was nice!

Actually the 2 error thing still exists. I have it on the radio buttons. I got tired of screwing around with checkboxes and just went with a multi-select box. It is good to hear that I'm not just crazy that others are actually having these problems too. I like Flash Forms, but they still have some things to work out. Maybe by CF 8 they'll get it worked out.
how to report a bug:

We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know that is not true.
I was hoping that they were going to fix most of the things in 7.0.1 but apparently there isn't going to be anymore bug fixes/releases until cf 8, which is a bit of a pain. having the ability to be able to upload files using flash forms but not having any native functionality to actually upload a file and having to rely on theird party custom tags is a bit of a drag.

I think there have been some enhancements to flash forms in terms of their speed, but like you i think there is a way to go with them. Nice starting point though
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