On my submit page I have the following:
<CFQUERY DATASOURCE ="mhdinternal" Name="Update_Driver">
Select driver.driverid, ....etc
FROM driver
WHERE driverid=#driverid# and
<CFSET driverid=#driverid#>
<cfhttp url=" method="POST" resolveurl="false">
<cfhttpparam type="FORMFIELD" name="driverid" value="#driverid#">
On my action page:
Test Results:
When I submit my submit page I get the following error:
Error Diagnostic Information
An error occurred while evaluating the expression:
Error near line 6, column 4.
Error resolving parameter DRIVERID
Obviously I am missing something.
I ran a CF output on the submit page to make sure that the #driverid# is a valid value and displays correctly. Something in going awry when i try to parse this value to my action page. I am not seeing what it is.
Any other suggestions would be helpful.
<CFQUERY DATASOURCE ="mhdinternal" Name="Update_Driver">
Select driver.driverid, ....etc
FROM driver
WHERE driverid=#driverid# and
<CFSET driverid=#driverid#>
<cfhttp url=" method="POST" resolveurl="false">
<cfhttpparam type="FORMFIELD" name="driverid" value="#driverid#">
On my action page:
Test Results:
When I submit my submit page I get the following error:
Error Diagnostic Information
An error occurred while evaluating the expression:
Error near line 6, column 4.
Error resolving parameter DRIVERID
Obviously I am missing something.
I ran a CF output on the submit page to make sure that the #driverid# is a valid value and displays correctly. Something in going awry when i try to parse this value to my action page. I am not seeing what it is.
Any other suggestions would be helpful.