I've been looking for an answer for quite some time.
I'm creating output that I want to have open in Excel. I'm using CFHEADER and CFCONTENT. I've unchecked the browse in same window. I've verified the registry. I've verified the proper relationship in the the My Computer/File types.
Everything works find in Firefox, but IE simply dumps the data to the browser window.
I would be very appreciative for another lead to follow...
Here is my code (of course it looks better in a bigger screen):
<CFHEADER NAME="Content-Disposition" VALUE= "inline; filename=MotionAnalysis.xls">
<CFCONTENT TYPE="application/vnd.ms-excel">
<cfoutput>Analysis for the dates: #url.begdate# - #url.enddate#
#TabChar##TabChar##TabChar##TabChar##TabChar##TabChar##TabChar##TabChar##NewLine##NewLine#CaseNum#TabChar#Judge#TabChar#DocketNum#TabChar#Filed By#TabChar#Firm#TabChar#DateFiled#TabChar#MainDoc#TabChar#F Orders#TabChar#NF Orders#TabChar#other#TabChar#total#NewLine#</cfoutput>
<cfloop query="getoutput">
Thank you in advance.
I'm creating output that I want to have open in Excel. I'm using CFHEADER and CFCONTENT. I've unchecked the browse in same window. I've verified the registry. I've verified the proper relationship in the the My Computer/File types.
Everything works find in Firefox, but IE simply dumps the data to the browser window.
I would be very appreciative for another lead to follow...
Here is my code (of course it looks better in a bigger screen):
<CFHEADER NAME="Content-Disposition" VALUE= "inline; filename=MotionAnalysis.xls">
<CFCONTENT TYPE="application/vnd.ms-excel">
<cfoutput>Analysis for the dates: #url.begdate# - #url.enddate#
#TabChar##TabChar##TabChar##TabChar##TabChar##TabChar##TabChar##TabChar##NewLine##NewLine#CaseNum#TabChar#Judge#TabChar#DocketNum#TabChar#Filed By#TabChar#Firm#TabChar#DateFiled#TabChar#MainDoc#TabChar#F Orders#TabChar#NF Orders#TabChar#other#TabChar#total#NewLine#</cfoutput>
<cfloop query="getoutput">
Thank you in advance.