I have a form with 3 areas for file uploads. The files upload great, and when I look at them on the server they are named correctly. However, when I insert into the datase I get a file path and a temp name, instead of the filename. (C:WINNTTEMPACFF3.tmp) I can't use file.serverfile as I'm uploading up to 3 files at once?
<cfquery name="insertmedia" Datasource="application.dsn" username="application.user" password="application.password">
Insert INTO media(description,pdf,audio,video,uploaddate) VALUES('#Trim(form.description)#', '#Trim(Form.pdf)#', '#Trim(form.audio)#', '#Trim(form.video)#', #today#)
<cfquery name="insertmedia" Datasource="application.dsn" username="application.user" password="application.password">
Insert INTO media(description,pdf,audio,video,uploaddate) VALUES('#Trim(form.description)#', '#Trim(Form.pdf)#', '#Trim(form.audio)#', '#Trim(form.video)#', #today#)