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cfcs and udfs

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Aug 31, 2006
As a new coldfusion developer, I'm not sure when to make a function a udf or a cfc. Also, I'm not sure how to convert one to the other. Can anyone describe when to make it a udf or a cfc and how to convert one to the other?
What are you trying to accomplish? A UDF is a function that you create - the are usually used to modify display output in some way. A CFC is a block of code that you can refer to and use repeatedly without having to rewrite it.


in my eyes, a udf is old school....

you can create a udf.cfc page with all your functions in it...
instanciate it
objUDFs = createObject('component','cfcs.udfs');

then you can call your function like you would with a udf...


they are almost the same except you can use tags & script in a CFS vs. only script in a UDF...

if( !succeed ) try( );
& script in a CFS vs. only script in a UDF..."

You can build a UDF with either....

udfs are still very useful a function is not a method! You use ColdFusion build in functions all the time, creating UDFs still has a place.


Phase 1: Read the CFML Reference
Phase 2: ???
Phase 3: Profit!
im not saying a udf doesnt have it's place anymore... im just saying it is cleaner to build them like a componet..

<cffunction name="CapFirst" returntype="string" output="false">
	<cfargument name="str" type="string" required="true" />
	<cfset var newstr = "" />
	<cfset var word = "" />
	<cfset var separator = "" />
	<cfloop index="word" list="#arguments.str#" delimiters=" ">
		<cfset newstr = newstr & separator & UCase(left(word,1)) />
		<cfif len(word) gt 1>
			<cfset newstr = newstr & right(word,len(word)-1) />
		<cfset separator = " " />

	<cfreturn newstr />
<cffunction name="capFirst"  returntype="string" access="public" output="No">
		<cfargument name="capTheWord" required="yes" type="string">
			var str = lcase(arguments.capTheWord);
			var newstr = '';
			var word = '';
			var i = 1;
			var strlen = listlen(str,' ');
			for(i=1;i lte strlen;i=i+1){
				word = ListGetAt(str,i,' ');
				newstr = newstr & UCase(Left(word,1));
				if(len(word) gt 1) newstr = newstr & Right(word,Len(word)-1);
				if(i lt strlen) newstr = newstr & ' ';
		<cfreturn newstr />

function CapFirst(str) {
	var newstr = "";
	var word = "";
	var i = 1;
	var strlen = listlen(str," ");
	for(i=1;i lte ListLen(str," ");i=i+1) {
		word = ListGetAt(str,i," ");
		newstr = newstr & UCase(Left(word,1));
		if(len(word) gt 1) newstr = newstr & Right(word,Len(word)-1);
		if(i lt strlen) newstr = newstr & " ";
	return newstr;

if( !succeed ) try( );
I think i see what you mean.

That's where I said you can build udfs with script of tags.

Either way, it's still a udf - it's never a method of a component until wrapped in the cfcomponent tags.

the use of cfscript vs tags doesn't change anything here as far as udf's go.

carry on.


Phase 1: Read the CFML Reference
Phase 2: ???
Phase 3: Profit!
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