Since I've installed Mozilla 1.0, I can exactly see what's going on when building a website.
So, I've a script voor publishing images, it works standard:
<img src="">
and the image.cfm works like:
<CFHEADER NAME="Content-Disposition" VALUE="inline; filename=""#filename#""">
<cfcontent type="#type#" file="#session.root##session.slash#Files#session.slash##file_id#">
(type is get from a database, e.g. for .jpg's it is image/jpg)
Ok, it works almost correctly, but when I look at the page info with Mozilla, I see the these images are not chached.
I've checked other sites, some has the same problem, and other not!
Knows anyone how to solve this problem?
I've also rewritten image.cfm, so I can use:
<img src=""
but it doesn't help.
Mozilla says also he doesn't know the size of the image... I've also the cfcontent patch from Macromedia installed, this patch fixes the 2 bytes appending on each file.
So, I've a script voor publishing images, it works standard:
<img src="">
and the image.cfm works like:
<CFHEADER NAME="Content-Disposition" VALUE="inline; filename=""#filename#""">
<cfcontent type="#type#" file="#session.root##session.slash#Files#session.slash##file_id#">
(type is get from a database, e.g. for .jpg's it is image/jpg)
Ok, it works almost correctly, but when I look at the page info with Mozilla, I see the these images are not chached.
I've checked other sites, some has the same problem, and other not!
Knows anyone how to solve this problem?
I've also rewritten image.cfm, so I can use:
<img src=""
but it doesn't help.
Mozilla says also he doesn't know the size of the image... I've also the cfcontent patch from Macromedia installed, this patch fixes the 2 bytes appending on each file.