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Oct 22, 2001
Can anyone help me set up my mapping section in CF Admin.
This is what I have now:
Logical Path Directory Path c:\PDC

Thanks, here is the error.

Error Diagnostic Information
Template file not found.

HTTP/1.0 404 Object Not Found
Note: If you wish to use an absolute template path (e.g. TEMPLATE="/mypath/index.cfm") with CFINCLUDE then you must create a mapping for the path using the Cold Fusion Administrator.

Using relative paths (e.g. TEMPLATE="index.cfm" or TEMPLATE="../index.cfm") does not require the creation of any special mappings. It is therefore recommended that you use relative paths with CFINCLUDE whenever possible.

Date/Time: 12/12/01 10:17:31
Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 4.0)
Remote Address:
HTTP Referer: Template: C:\PDC\PDC\Admin\Programmer\vendorClaimToScrap.cfm
Logical Path should usually be "/" and Directory Path should be where your webserver puts your web pages. With Apache, it's usually at C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\htdocs\ while IIS uses C:\INETPUB\ so, given an Apache server, your mappings will be...

Logical Path = /
Directory Path = C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\htdocs\

Hope this helps.
Thanks for your help but still no working. I use IIS and it points to my files on C:\PDC. All my other files work fine with the mapping I have now listed above. When I start changing this thats when the other pages no longer work. Should I just add another mapping? Here is the source code for the page. I only included the mapping sections but it is quite long. Let me know if you need the whole page.

<!--- enforce security --->
<CFSET #Privelige#=&quot;PDCAdmin&quot;>
<CFINCLUDE TEMPLATE=&quot;/PDC/openContent.cfm&quot;>

<!--- required parameters --->
<CFPARAM NAME=&quot;ItemIDList&quot;>

<H1>Vendor Claim Request to Scrap Request</H1>

<!--- get the transfer tickets that will be effected --->
<CFQUERY NAME=&quot;TransferTicket&quot; DATASOURCE=&quot;PDC&quot;>
SELECT DISTINCT TransferTicketID FROM TransferRequest WHERE ItemID IN (#ItemIDList#)

<!--- if it will be reissued --->
<CFIF #UpdatedTransferRequest.RecordCount# GT 0>
<CFINCLUDE TEMPLATE=&quot;/PDC/Admin/Programmer/sendTransferTicketReissuedNotification.cfm?TransferTicketID=#TransferTicket.TransferTicketID#&quot;>
<!--- if it will be voided --->
<CFINCLUDE TEMPLATE=&quot;/PDC/Admin/Programmer/sendTransferTicketVoidedNotification.cfm?TransferTicketID=#TransferTicket.TransferTicketID#&quot;>


<!--- if it has been reissued (if it still has items) --->
<CFIF #UpdatedTransferRequest.RecordCount# GT 0>
<!--- send out the updated transfer ticket --->
<CFINCLUDE TEMPLATE=&quot;sendTransferTicketNotification.cfm?TransferTicketID=#TransferTicket.TransferTicketID#&quot;>

Reissued transfer ticket <A HREF=&quot;transferTicket.cfm?TransferTicketID=#TransferTicket.TransferTicketID#&quot;>#TransferTicket.TransferTicketID#</A>. <BR>
<!--- if it has been voided --->
Voided transfer ticket #TransferTicket.TransferTicketID#. <BR>

<CFINCLUDE TEMPLATE=&quot;/PDC/closeContent.cfm&quot;>
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