Howdy all. Long-time CF programmer, first-time on these forums, and I'm impressed and happy I've found you. I've always used SQLServer and an occasional Access DB, but I've now come across my first scenario where I must connect to a Sybase DB. Never seen Sybase before, know nothing about it. The CF 5 docs say that if I install "Sybase client software, Sybase Open Client version 11.1.0 with Update 11.1.1 applied", I should be good. Someone has given me a copy of "Sybase Central 3.2", but that's gotten me nowhere fast. Can anyone out there with some CF 5 vs. Sybase experience guide me a little?
Thanks. Hope I can return the favor multiple-fold here in the future.
Thanks. Hope I can return the favor multiple-fold here in the future.