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Certification on the Electra Elite

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Dec 21, 2004
I just took over as the network administrator of a small company, and we have an Elektra Elite IPK PBX. I have noticed that we are spending quite a bit of money with our phone system vendor to do what I consider relatively minor changes to the system and I would like to take over much of the responsibilities myself. I have experience with small office phone systems from previous jobs, but I can't seem to find any documentation on the Elektra Elite. It appears to me you have to be an NEC certified tech to get anything out of them. Does anyone know if this is true, and if so what is the process to get certified by them? My guess is it involves sitting through a few training classes and giving them ridiculous amounts of money. :) Thanks for your help.

-Steve Boyle
You can either attend classes as an end user or take a web based volarie training which requires another system to study on. Either way you can't get tech support help because you are not a reseller. It is a very good idea to get the training though.
I understand your frustration. I am certified on IPK / 2000 and 2400. The training is great! If you can get your company to get you training then do it.

Here is the skinny:

NEC could do it one of two ways - charge by the call and give training for free OR charge a one time "training" fee and give us the tech support. I think NEC made the right call.

The NEC NTAC is a pretty well oiled machine. A call into the NTAC is a very quick process usually only 3-5 minutes in queue and with someone you can understand. If NEC opened this up to the general public they would be receiving tech / engineering calls for simple operation of features.

I have worked with the NEC product for over ten years and I like their approach to training and docs. It helps me stay employed and marketable!

I know a load of people that dislike the NEC attitude regarding training and documentation. Training and Documentation go hand in hand as NEC teaches you the Documentation.

Try this: GO to the wedophones.com web page and download these 3 items:

1) IPK Features and Specs
2) IPK Programming Manual
3) IPK Hardware

Look up the feature you want to know about in the Feature guide it will tell you about the feature and how to use it , at the end of each feature section there is a table of Memory Blocks (commands) that spell out what is needed in programming to make the feature work. Then look in your Programming manual and find the memory blocks that you want to program and set the right data.
Sounds like alot? It is, however when you want to try to do all this and you have your other job responsibilities it gets to be a bit much. I know as I have been there. Ask your tech to show the basics:

1) log in to programming mode
2) memory block 4-10 - telephone port assignment OR go to each phone and press Feature key then 4
3) Make sure your connection blocks are marked properly for the system. Bug your tech.

Is this system under a warranty or service by your vendor? If so let your tech or vendor know you could save them some work by knowing some of the simpler things. Or even better tell them you would like some system admin training. Look at the contract and scope of work for the system when it was installed. Was there supposed to be system admin training for the system included? If so tell your vendor , if he balks then tell them you will find one that will.

Does your vendor charge a minimum of 1 hour for doing MAC (move, add, change) If so keep your tech there for the full hour and grill him. Chances are he will show you some things and answer questions.



Thanks for the site link. Unfortunately, I didn't find most of those manuals listed under the NEC documentation link. Am I missing something? If you have the manuals, would it be possible for you to e-mail them to me?

NTAC support is only available for NEC authorized dealers and designated "Resolve" customers. You couldn't get support even if you paid for it.

If you've got a Credit Card, you can attend NEC training clsses. Even after you attend class, you will not be given a Tech ID nor will you be able to call in and get tech support.

By design, your authorized NEC reseller (Dealer) is your point of contact for all support needs.
Okay, the direct way may be to get with your vendor. Ask for the IPK end user or tech SAT software, and for training using it. This assumes you have a MIF card in your system to connect to. Otherwise you are stuck with using a phone to program changes or buy the MIF card.We do it for our customers, and it helps with about 60% of the stuff they want to do. You can go to look for training, and see that you can go to IPK basic as a End User. This is basic. You can also see if after that you can then attend the Advanced class. The IPK has some very nice applications you may want to learn more about from your installing company's sales rep.

I allways enjoy when someone comes into the buisness take a quick look and assume they can get the training and go to programming away at a Key or PBX.

All the makor vendors NEC, Nortel and Avaya require you to pay to play. If you need help with MAC's a manual and general training is good but try and implement a ACD group with anoucemnts and Network connections. You really need to know what you are doing.

Years ago when working solely on the Nortel products You could not call ETAC (Nortels Engineering group) without A. being certified and B. an purchase order for support. Pay to train and pay to support. And when they fixed your problem It was through a modem and most times would not tell you what they did.

NEC NTAC has a great group of people and if your certified and call during buisness hours they are there to help. Cheers to them!

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