I am thinking about enbarking on a MSCA, or maybe perhaps taking some exams to add to my resume - i'm a little undecided. My first question is what is the life of a certicication when you have passed the exam, is it three years? (I'm sorry but i cannot find this information anywhere on the Microsoft site, and i have browsed this forum for a few hours reading posts)
Secondly, as I am currently un-employed and have no access to a networking enviroment/classroom (I do have a Computer Science Degree though), I was planning on buying the official Microsoft books and studying at home (I have a spare PC and eval versions of Server, Profesional). Do you think that this will be adequate enough? .
The exams i will be studying for are 70-210, 70-215, 70-216 and 70-217 and the books i will use are;
Thanks for your reply
I am thinking about enbarking on a MSCA, or maybe perhaps taking some exams to add to my resume - i'm a little undecided. My first question is what is the life of a certicication when you have passed the exam, is it three years? (I'm sorry but i cannot find this information anywhere on the Microsoft site, and i have browsed this forum for a few hours reading posts)
Secondly, as I am currently un-employed and have no access to a networking enviroment/classroom (I do have a Computer Science Degree though), I was planning on buying the official Microsoft books and studying at home (I have a spare PC and eval versions of Server, Profesional). Do you think that this will be adequate enough? .
The exams i will be studying for are 70-210, 70-215, 70-216 and 70-217 and the books i will use are;
Thanks for your reply