Hi there...
I'm trying to create a certificate report, so that when i create a new certificate record in my certificates table, I can hit PRINT on my FORM and it will pull up a report with the data currently displayed in my form in the report.
This will allow me to create certificates on the fly...
HOW DO I DO THIS?? I don't want to use the same data over and over, as issuance dates, certificate numbers and such will change...
Ryan Leestma
I'm trying to create a certificate report, so that when i create a new certificate record in my certificates table, I can hit PRINT on my FORM and it will pull up a report with the data currently displayed in my form in the report.
This will allow me to create certificates on the fly...
HOW DO I DO THIS?? I don't want to use the same data over and over, as issuance dates, certificate numbers and such will change...
Ryan Leestma