Multiple BCM450 R5 networked using MCDN across H.323
Lots of stations have the full UC Bundle that includes Voicemail, Find Me/Follow Me, In touch, and LAN CTE.
We are moving to centralized voicemail.
I am trying to get my head around how it will affect the system and licensing.
The centralized voicemail is easy. I know that will work.
How will Find Me/ Follow Me be affected?
The LAN CTE license seems to me like it would need to be on the local system where the phone is installed?
Will In-Touch be affected?
If the Voicemail license and the LAN CTE license need to be in different places because the voicemail is centralized and the LAN CTE needs to be local then the bundle license won’t work?
Thanks for any help.
Lots of stations have the full UC Bundle that includes Voicemail, Find Me/Follow Me, In touch, and LAN CTE.
We are moving to centralized voicemail.
I am trying to get my head around how it will affect the system and licensing.
The centralized voicemail is easy. I know that will work.
How will Find Me/ Follow Me be affected?
The LAN CTE license seems to me like it would need to be on the local system where the phone is installed?
Will In-Touch be affected?
If the Voicemail license and the LAN CTE license need to be in different places because the voicemail is centralized and the LAN CTE needs to be local then the bundle license won’t work?
Thanks for any help.