Feb 26, 2005 #1 jacksmack Technical User Feb 26, 2005 3 US I want to reference a cell on a different sheet using Find. I'm unsure of how to do this. Thanks.
Feb 26, 2005 #2 S SkipVought Programmer Dec 4, 2001 47,492 US Hi, Reference the sheet Code: Set r = Sheets(1).Cells.Find("SomeValue") Skip, [red]Be advised:[/red] The dyslexic, agnostic, insomniac, lays awake all night wondering... "Is there really a DOG?" Upvote 0 Downvote
Hi, Reference the sheet Code: Set r = Sheets(1).Cells.Find("SomeValue") Skip, [red]Be advised:[/red] The dyslexic, agnostic, insomniac, lays awake all night wondering... "Is there really a DOG?"