Does anyone know how cell phone browsers identify phone numbers that can be dialed on a web page? I believe they simply recognize the format a phone number with a '+' in front of it. When I browse a certain site numbers such as +(123)456-7890 become a link that can be dialed. Phone numbers without the + in front, aren't interpreted as a tab stop. I am just looking to confirm this. We have software at work designed to make our contacts available via a web page that cell phones can browse. You can browse the page with a regular browser also, it's essentially a very simple web page. However, some phone numbers can be dialed from the phone by simply clcking on them and others aren't tab stops. The difference seems to be the + sign in front. However, the ones that do have + and are interpreted as a voice number don't always work right. Basically, when you click on them the page just reloads and the phone doesn't dial the number. I think the problem is with the phone and my boss thinks it's a problem with the web page. And I can't find any information regarding formating html for phones. I have viewed the source html and see no special formating tags for the phone numbers. This is why I think that it simply interprets anything fitting the +(xxx)xxx-xxxx format as a phone number. The software displays all the fax numbers without the +.