i have a problem with the background of CEdit control.
I set the property pDC->SetBkMode(OPAQUE) on OnCtlColor function but at the same time i want the CEdti to be transparent because i set a bitmap as background of the Dialog...
The point is, i MUST use "OPAQUE" because wiht "TRANSPARENT" the numbers inside the CEdit do not refresh...
How to combine transparency and the ability to refresh the numbers like using pDC->SetBkMode(OPAQUE)?
I hope the problem is clear...sorry for my english....
i have a problem with the background of CEdit control.
I set the property pDC->SetBkMode(OPAQUE) on OnCtlColor function but at the same time i want the CEdti to be transparent because i set a bitmap as background of the Dialog...
The point is, i MUST use "OPAQUE" because wiht "TRANSPARENT" the numbers inside the CEdit do not refresh...
How to combine transparency and the ability to refresh the numbers like using pDC->SetBkMode(OPAQUE)?
I hope the problem is clear...sorry for my english....