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CE 10 Affecting TNS Listener

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Jun 26, 2002
CE & CR 10 on XP Pro

Installed CR10 last week and could run reports against an Oracle 8 database no problem.

Simply for training purposes I installed CE10 on same machine. Now whenever I try to connect to Oracle I get the error TNS No Listener. I get the same problem with Toad (an Oracle SQL analyser tool)

I have tested the listener at the command prompt and all is OK. I have even tried creating an ODBC Oracle connection this all connects without any problems.

When I try to use the ODBC connection within Crystal I get the same TNS listener error.

Any suggestions as to what the installation of CE10 has done to my TNS listener, or more specifically why Crystal Reports/Toad can nolonger find it?

Thank you

I am running the same setup ( XP Pro, CE10, CR10 ) and
have had no problems connecting to any Oracle instance, including the one running on that box ( my CMS database is there).

Do you have multiple Oracle homes?

Are the Oracle client and Oracle database the same or compatible versions?

How did you test the listener? Did it show the services you expected?

Try a 'Native' Oracle connection from CR10 ( the 'Oracle Server' connetion, not one of the CR ODBC ones).


Your service name automatically puts .world to it depending on the version of oracle client.

Make sure that you add .world to your service name when creating a crystal report

If you have a SqlNet.ora file ( in the Oracle_home/Network/admin directory) that has this line:
then you need not ( and for simplicity, should not) append the .world to your connection service name.
So, since I have one I can use
as my connection service name ( or SID, depending on version) even though it is in tnsnames.ora as
samp.world    = (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=oradbsamp)     (PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=samp)))

If in a single domain Oracle setup, the use of the sqlnet.ora entry will make stuff easier..


I just did this: I was running CE10 to the default database and had oracle client installed and was running just fine.
I requested an Oracle database be installed on the ce server so I could move the ce data over to Oracle. This wiped out my tnsnames.ora file. I was expecting this to happen, so I had backed this up.

If your ce install was on Oracle, you may have problems with a new orahome or an overwritten tnsnames.ora file...

If your ce install was to the default db, I don't know why it would affect the listener.
Thank you all for your feed back.

However, it turned out to be a combination of the XP Fire wall, my Zone Alarm Firewall and Network settings.

Still not properly resolved as I have to turn off Zone Alarm whenever I use Crystal??

Pelajhia -
Why would CE replace your tnsnames.ora? Are you asking CE to recreate the database or just using an existing schema? I had no problem with tnsnames when I moved my APS database to Oracle. I've created CE tables in a schema that was used for other purposes and in a schema set up specifically for CE. No problems whatsoever.

Ian -
Is ZoneAlarm giving you info on an executable that wants access? If so, you may be able to configure ZA to default a Yes response. (I've got ZA on my home box, so I can't give you specific screen names and dialog prompts.)
CE did not replace my tnsnames, but the oracle install(er) did as I had CE installed before Oracle. I did not do the Oracle install, so I am not 100% sure if it was the dba cleaning things up, or just automatically done during install.
If CE was installed first, no tnsnames.ora would have existed...It is created as part of the Oracle client install.


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