I have a form that is being processed using CDONTS that I was given. Now, is doing a loop request and getting all the data from an application and sending it to an email address. I need to make the data appear more logical. I want to request each item in a particular order, how do I do this? Here is the code that I am using right now.
Option Explicit
Dim objNewMail
' First create an instance of NewMail Object
Set objNewMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail"
' setting up the email
objNewMail.From = request("email"
objNewMail.To = "myemail@email.com"
objNewMail.Subject = "Online Application"
Dim e
Dim strBody
For Each e in Request.Form
strBody = strBody & e & " = " & Request(e) & chr(10)
objNewMail.Body = strBody
' After the Send method, NewMail Object become Invalid
Set objNewMail = Nothing
'Response.Write "Email has been sent"
Option Explicit
Dim objNewMail
' First create an instance of NewMail Object
Set objNewMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail"
' setting up the email
objNewMail.From = request("email"
objNewMail.To = "myemail@email.com"
objNewMail.Subject = "Online Application"
Dim e
Dim strBody
For Each e in Request.Form
strBody = strBody & e & " = " & Request(e) & chr(10)
objNewMail.Body = strBody
' After the Send method, NewMail Object become Invalid
Set objNewMail = Nothing
'Response.Write "Email has been sent"