Hi there i have got the following code, to send out a simple email to people in a database. When i run this code all of the lines in the loop cause the following error 80040108 - according to technet this means that CdoE_INVALID_OBJECT - oh right thats cleared that up then !!!
I have sent an email just using a single email address, hard coded into the page and that is sent fine, when i do this it fails with the error above.
Set objEmail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail"
do while not objRS.EOF
If Not IsNull(objRs("email") Then
objEmail.From = "ME2U"
objEmail.Subject = "Update!!"
objEmail.Body = MyBody
end if
anyone got any ideas why this is failing and a work around if needed
I have sent an email just using a single email address, hard coded into the page and that is sent fine, when i do this it fails with the error above.
Set objEmail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail"
do while not objRS.EOF
If Not IsNull(objRs("email") Then
objEmail.From = "ME2U"
objEmail.Subject = "Update!!"
objEmail.Body = MyBody
end if
anyone got any ideas why this is failing and a work around if needed