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CDN statistic report offeered more call than the application

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Sep 18, 2008
I need to know if its normal to find the offered call in the CDN statistic report more than the offered number in the its skillset and its application, if yes how can I know the exact offered number from the CND reports?

Thanks a lot for your time.
Yes, this can happen. It is a function of how the call is handled by the SCCS/CCMS.

Calls come under control of the SCCS/CCMS when they terminate on an acquired CDN.

From there the master script assigns the call to a primary script. The call is usually in the master script for a few seconds, so it is possible an offered call at the CDN level may abandon or terminate (Route to another number, Disconnect, Given Busy, etc.) during this time.

When the call control is passed to a primary script, the calls offered count is incremented for that application.

The script can queue a call to one or several skillsets. When the call is queued to a skillset, the calls offered count for that skillset is incremented.

So all along the way, it is possible a call abandons or terminates before it is offered to the next level

Thanks a lot for your response and your time.

I agree with you but if there any way to calculate the actual number of offered call in CDN report that will be served by its application or its skillset,

What I mean I found in the CDN 9263 offered call, and 9044 offered call in the its Application and in its skillset.

Can I now calculate the 9263 from 9044 as

9263 = 9044 + XXX

can I get the XXX

Thanks a lot again
CDN: Offered = Answered + Terminated + Abandoned.

So, assuming you have a CDN that sends calls through the Master to a single Primary script, the application calls offered should equal (CDN calls offered) minus (terminated + abandoned) calls.

Keep in mind that calls can span intervals, so the smaller the interval you look at, the more likely it is that the numbers will not match exactly (but should be very close).
What I can say more than thank you very much.


When matching CDN calls offered to application calls offered, keep in mind the following facts:

1. All calls answered in a primary application peg as CallsOffered in both the Master application and the primary application.
2. Incoming network calls peg as CallsOffered in the Network_Script only.
3. NACD and Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) calls do not arrive on a CDN and, therefore, do not peg in the CDN statistics.

Thanks & Regards
Thanks ND,

in the point 1 . you mean Master script and primary script

I have been asked for making a clarification about the CDN reports as on that call offered we found more calls than we found in its application and skillset.

As when we show the CDN reports we found the following:

CDN call offered = 9263
Application offered = 9044
Skillset offered = 9044

the differance between CDN and Application = 9263-9044= 219

where i can find that 219 calls.

I agreed with Milesprower but HOW I CAN GET THESE extra calls.

Have a look to see how many calls are being abandoned in the master script in under 2 seconds.
Hi captain,

today i have 22 call abandoned calls

OK, but does this explain the discrepancy? As Miles says you need to make sure that the reports you are comparing are for EXACTLY the same time period.
Unfortunately, abandoned and terminated in the master script cannot be tied back to any one CDN (unless you have only one CDN). That is not possible.

However, the number of abandons should be small (unless you have scriping/announcement issues). The number of terminated calls (Give Busy, Disconnect, Route, etc) in the master script is dependent on how your script is written (could be small or large). You can write you master script so that terminated calls in the master are close to if not zero except in default routing cases (rare).

Check your Application Call Treatment report to see the terminated calls in the master script. This is probably where the bulk of your 219 calls are pegged.
Can show your scripts??

I think your script has hole to lose calls.
Calls don't get "lost". They are answered, abandoned, or "terminated". Abandoned and Answered calls are shown on both CDN and Application Performance reports, but for "terminated" calls, you must look at the Application Call Treatment report.

In Nortel terminology, "terminated" calls are those Given Busy, Defaulted, Disconnected, Routed, Overflowed. For most call centers, "terminated" calls are those that receive alternate treatment due to closed or emergency conditions (routed to voice mail, played a closed message and disconnected, given busy because call center is out of service, etc...).

If you have conditions in your master script where you route or disconnect calls, you will have "terminated calls" in the master script (calls that are treated, but never make it to a primary script). These calls will peg against the CDN and the Master script.
Thanks all,

I agreed with u Miles but even we get the Application call treatment report I found no terminated call in this application report.

For these conditions in the master script that will cause disconnect or route calls, If there any why to confirm these number of missing calls.

As I told you before I found Zero for the terminated calls in that application report.
But I still looking for making a clarification in numbers about this hidden calls.

So can I print some report making some equation to get the difference between CDN calls and Apllication or skillset calls.

Thanks all very much for your time.

I have a VERY similar question ... thats why i'm adding to this thread
I'm reading from the hist reporting data dictionary manual

calls offered to skillset = answered+abandoned + overflow out of skillset

In which report can i get the count of calls for conditions such as force disconnect, overflow, route to , default
You guys are testing my patience. The Application Call Treatment report has Given Busy, Default, Disconnect, Route Call, Overflow.

Please do not confuse Skillset stats with Application Stats, They are two separate things. There have been some excellent threads on the board lately dealing with the differences. Do your homework!
One last go at this....if there are more calls in a CDN than there are in the application to which it is associated, then they can only be "lost" in the master script. They will either be ROUTED, TERMINATED, ABANDONED, DEFAULTED, given BUSY, or OVERFLOWED.

I have NEVER known stats to be inaccurate there has ALWAYS been an explanation. There is enough information in this thread for you to find the reason. Maybe you have a night treatment in the master script??
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