I have heard 2 diff versions of what page-break-before:auto does,
1. nothing : default printer setting apply.
2. If its before a certain table/object it will force a page break if that table/object dosnt fit on the page.
The 2nd one is what many websites say and this is what I want, but its not working for me.
I dont want page-break-before:always as I dont know how long the document will be, and I have no idea what page-break-before:left or page-break-before:right do ;-), but i dont think they do what i need.
I am using IE 6, as far as I know page breaks should work on IE 5 or later.
example :
<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
P.breakhere {page-break-before: auto}
<!-- here comes the pagebreak -->
<P CLASS="breakhere">
<table> stuff in table - if this table is too big to fit on page : PAGEBREAK</table>
1. nothing : default printer setting apply.
2. If its before a certain table/object it will force a page break if that table/object dosnt fit on the page.
The 2nd one is what many websites say and this is what I want, but its not working for me.
I dont want page-break-before:always as I dont know how long the document will be, and I have no idea what page-break-before:left or page-break-before:right do ;-), but i dont think they do what i need.
I am using IE 6, as far as I know page breaks should work on IE 5 or later.
example :
<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
P.breakhere {page-break-before: auto}
<!-- here comes the pagebreak -->
<P CLASS="breakhere">
<table> stuff in table - if this table is too big to fit on page : PAGEBREAK</table>