Callpilot 100 on CICS
I was rushed and screwed up somewhere, I did not test before I left, I was going to test remotely at closing time.
2 divisions (via CCR paths 1 & 2) using HG's then goes to their own mailbox.
Now they want Service to go to the mailbox right away after 5pm and weekends
The setup I had done previously:
HG 290 Sales - MB 290
HG 291 Service - MB 291
All lines to Table 1
Table 1 to Morn CCR 1, Aft CCR 1, Eve CCR 1
Table 1 Schedule (all default)
Morn 12am
Aft 12pm
Eve 6pm
(Nbus 6pm) Not used
Path 1 - Int 290 Sales
Path 2 - Int 291 Service
The client wanted to change up Service, they want calls to straight to the mailbox after 5 pm weekdays and all day weekends
I built Tree 2
Path 1 - Int 290 Sales
Path 2 - Int 291 [highlight #EDD400]Lvmsg 291[/highlight]
Table 1
Changed CCR Eve to [highlight #EDD400]Tree 2[/highlight]
Changed Schedule:
Morn 10am
Aft 12pm
[highlight #EDD400]Eve 5pm[/highlight]
(Nbus 6pm) Not used
My issue is, now when they press 2 it goes straight to the mailbox when it is not 5pm yet.
Time on the phones are correct
Now that I typed that out, the date must be wrong, it thinks its the weekend.
Anyhow if anybody notices something I missed please let me know.
Toronto, Canada
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I was rushed and screwed up somewhere, I did not test before I left, I was going to test remotely at closing time.
2 divisions (via CCR paths 1 & 2) using HG's then goes to their own mailbox.
Now they want Service to go to the mailbox right away after 5pm and weekends
The setup I had done previously:
HG 290 Sales - MB 290
HG 291 Service - MB 291
All lines to Table 1
Table 1 to Morn CCR 1, Aft CCR 1, Eve CCR 1
Table 1 Schedule (all default)
Morn 12am
Aft 12pm
Eve 6pm
(Nbus 6pm) Not used
Path 1 - Int 290 Sales
Path 2 - Int 291 Service
The client wanted to change up Service, they want calls to straight to the mailbox after 5 pm weekdays and all day weekends
I built Tree 2
Path 1 - Int 290 Sales
Path 2 - Int 291 [highlight #EDD400]Lvmsg 291[/highlight]
Table 1
Changed CCR Eve to [highlight #EDD400]Tree 2[/highlight]
Changed Schedule:
Morn 10am
Aft 12pm
[highlight #EDD400]Eve 5pm[/highlight]
(Nbus 6pm) Not used
My issue is, now when they press 2 it goes straight to the mailbox when it is not 5pm yet.
Time on the phones are correct
Now that I typed that out, the date must be wrong, it thinks its the weekend.
Anyhow if anybody notices something I missed please let me know.

Toronto, Canada
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