Hey everyone,
Well, I want to move on and start studying for the CCNP. From previous posts I gather that I should take the exams in this order:
Remote Access
So, right now I am looking for a good Routing book to help me in my studies. I've looked at the Cisco Press CCNP-Routing book, but it seems to have pretty bad reviews (lots of mistakes are the main complaint). But from past posts on this forum, people said the Lammele book wasn't in depth enough for the Routing exam. What are ya'lls thoughts on this? Is the Cisco Press book good enough, along with some hands on to get me through it, or are the mistakes going to make it very confusing? Any help wouled be greatly appreciated.
Well, I want to move on and start studying for the CCNP. From previous posts I gather that I should take the exams in this order:
Remote Access
So, right now I am looking for a good Routing book to help me in my studies. I've looked at the Cisco Press CCNP-Routing book, but it seems to have pretty bad reviews (lots of mistakes are the main complaint). But from past posts on this forum, people said the Lammele book wasn't in depth enough for the Routing exam. What are ya'lls thoughts on this? Is the Cisco Press book good enough, along with some hands on to get me through it, or are the mistakes going to make it very confusing? Any help wouled be greatly appreciated.