Hey everyone...
We are currently preparing for a CM upgrade from 4.1 to 7.1(2). This will involve new servers to replace our current ones. we are setting up a test lab with the new boxes to ensure that the latest 7.1 integrates sucessfully with our day to day phone applications..
The Cisco Release Upgrade and DMA documentation is rather confusing for this particular scenario and I was wondering if anyone could please clarify..
I have run the DMA tool on the Publisher and it has generated the .tar file and .lic files in the desired locations.
The documentation then says that these need to be copied to a network server before upgrading.. However, as we are upgrading onto new servers in our lab, I cant see any reason to do this.
The guide then says run the Answer File Generator to produce the "platformConfig.xml" file to assist the 7.1 install.. This references the .tar file created by the DMA however doesnt let you specify a local path, only a remote network location..
Is the Answer File Generator process a necessity for the offline install or can we proceed with just the .tar and .lic files created by the DMA export. ?
If the Answer File Generator step is required, then can the .tar files be referenced from a local path or does it have to be copied onto a remote server first ?
Thanks in advance for any advice given..
We are currently preparing for a CM upgrade from 4.1 to 7.1(2). This will involve new servers to replace our current ones. we are setting up a test lab with the new boxes to ensure that the latest 7.1 integrates sucessfully with our day to day phone applications..
The Cisco Release Upgrade and DMA documentation is rather confusing for this particular scenario and I was wondering if anyone could please clarify..
I have run the DMA tool on the Publisher and it has generated the .tar file and .lic files in the desired locations.
The documentation then says that these need to be copied to a network server before upgrading.. However, as we are upgrading onto new servers in our lab, I cant see any reason to do this.
The guide then says run the Answer File Generator to produce the "platformConfig.xml" file to assist the 7.1 install.. This references the .tar file created by the DMA however doesnt let you specify a local path, only a remote network location..
Is the Answer File Generator process a necessity for the offline install or can we proceed with just the .tar and .lic files created by the DMA export. ?
If the Answer File Generator step is required, then can the .tar files be referenced from a local path or does it have to be copied onto a remote server first ?
Thanks in advance for any advice given..