I have a Customer who is using Visual Workflow Manager to route incoming calls to a ddi. The CCM Server was rebooted as the ports were intermittently not answering or giving a long delay before the greeting message.
Since the reboot the Customer says the calls for option 1 are not routing correctly (they were going to a Multicall Key apparently)
I have tried restoring the Database in Contact Centre Client to a date before the reboot but the Call Flow does not change.
1) Am I right in thinking that if I restore the DB from a previous backup that it restores the Call Flows on Your Site Explorer?
2) Can anyone advise how to send a call via a Call Flow to a Multicall Key? Unfortunately the Customer cant remember how he got this working and I have tried unsuccessfully to program the destination to ring the Multicall Key. It always rings on an ACD Path.
The fail destination is the same as the transfer but for some reason the calls goto the ACD PAth.
CCM is 6.0 with Standard IVR Routing and MCD is 6.0 PR1
(Remember - If it aint broke - fix it till it is.)
Since the reboot the Customer says the calls for option 1 are not routing correctly (they were going to a Multicall Key apparently)
I have tried restoring the Database in Contact Centre Client to a date before the reboot but the Call Flow does not change.
1) Am I right in thinking that if I restore the DB from a previous backup that it restores the Call Flows on Your Site Explorer?
2) Can anyone advise how to send a call via a Call Flow to a Multicall Key? Unfortunately the Customer cant remember how he got this working and I have tried unsuccessfully to program the destination to ring the Multicall Key. It always rings on an ACD Path.
The fail destination is the same as the transfer but for some reason the calls goto the ACD PAth.
CCM is 6.0 with Standard IVR Routing and MCD is 6.0 PR1
(Remember - If it aint broke - fix it till it is.)