Call come in on the Mitel on one of 2 PRI's and routed to the CCM via SIP trunks if the call is transfered back to the Mitel via the SIP tunks and released quickly the call will have no audio. If they pause before releasing call will be OK. Any thoughts?
This doc is for older versions but it has not been updated since so I'll have to go with what it says. Blind transfer is not a supported feature (see page 6), so the fact that it works at all is surprising. What you are experiencing is probably why it is not supported.
Thanks, that appears to be the issue. I believe it worked some times because if you do a "early attended" transfer (new Cisco term?) where you wait for the call to start ringing before releaseing it will allow it to work.
There is normally some call progress supervisory signalling information passing back and forth commensurate with end-to-end call set up (which triggers ringing of the destination device) and simultaneously sending a call progress tone (NA Std. Ringback tone) to the calling party. By performing a quick release the Mitel does not recognize that a valid call was ever established. You might be able to tweak the trunk circuit descriptor assignment on the Mitel to get it to ignore supervision, but I don't even know if that's a valid (or settable) parameter for SIP trunks. The Mitel O/S referred to in that tech bulletin is fairly ancient code. Current shipping software for the (new 3rd gen) 3300 is now at release 11 (MCD-5.0) which isn't even supported on a box old enough to be running rev 7. As I recall Rev 9.x was the end of the line for the 2nd generation 3300's.
Mitel's web site still shows 7.x code as being supported, which usually means when you call with a stale issue that was addressed in later code they'll first want you to install the most recent S/W for the platform you have before working with you further. Of course without a current Software Assurance contract (Mitel's answer to Smartnet) you'll have to purchase the upgrade which could (depending on S/W level you're currently at) also encompass a hardware upgrade. TANSTAAFL (there ain't no such thing as a free lunch)
whykap - A Supervised Transfer is where you stay on the line until the called party answers before releasing. Their answer is just letting it start to ring berfore releasing the call.
Im not sure of the release of the CCM but it is less then a year old and the Mitel is MCD 4.2. We are the Mitel Dealer that installed the Mitel part of the equation and was just looking for answers. As far as the document being acient got anything newer?
I see what you are saying now. If you are looking to do supervised or early attended it is supported, only blind is not.
Not sure why but since every manufacturer develops sip to match their needs and hardware and there are no standards that's probably why.
Either way if you are looking to do early attended it is supported. So you might have a timer mismatch somewhere.
have you looked at any sip debugs from either systems? That's the only way to see why the call is disconnecting.
This is the only doc on cco for the integration you are looking to do. I doubt much has changed on the sip side from cucm 6.x to 8.X so it is a valid doc.
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