Get some real routers and switches off of Ebay, get some Cisco Press and Todd Lammle books on CCNA. That is the best way. Others like Cisco Guy 33 and Maczen can expand on the books...
Get at least 2 books - Sybex CCNA Study Guide by Todd Lammle and another by Cisco Press - that will give you a very strong background in what you need to know to both 1) pass the exams and 2) work in the field.
As Burt said - setup a Cisco lab - at least 3 routers and 3 switches - it has been discussed in GREAT detail here - just read the posts and ASK questions.
Then as you read the subject - try the stuff you read about on YOUR routers and switches - LEARNING BY DOING!!!!! Learn how to make YOUR lab WORK, guess what - it will help you both on the exam and on the job!!!!!
Most of the books listed come with practice tests - use these to gauge what you need to learn BETTER - DO NOT MEMORIZE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS!!!
I recommend the Cisco Networking Academy Connection #1
Home Lab #1
CiscoPress and Lammle material (good to have two sources) #1
31 days Before CCENT by CiscoPress (For recap) #2
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