In the following code:
The specific line of code:
<div id="<%=myid8%>" class="billcontent">
renders as:
<div id="billboard1" class="billcontent">
the id then increments with the repeated recordset as follows:
billboard2, billboard3, billboard4 etc.
>how do i get the first record to render as:
billboard0 instead of starting with billboard1?
a script dependent on this code will not work otherwise
startrw = 0
endrw = Hlooper8__index
numberColumns = 1
numrows = -1
while((numrows <> 0) AND (Not Recordset1.EOF))
startrw = endrw + 1
endrw = endrw + numberColumns
While ((startrw <= endrw) AND (Not Recordset1.EOF))
dim myid8
myid8="billboard" & Cstr(startrw)
<div id="<%=myid8%>" class="billcontent">
<%= Recordset1("ShipToCompany")%> - <%= Recordset1("ShipToCity") %>, <%= Recordset1("ShipToState")%>
startrw = startrw + 1
<div id="<%=myid8%>" class="billcontent">
renders as:
<div id="billboard1" class="billcontent">
the id then increments with the repeated recordset as follows:
billboard2, billboard3, billboard4 etc.
>how do i get the first record to render as:
billboard0 instead of starting with billboard1?
a script dependent on this code will not work otherwise