My first post, ever!
trying not to give away business property, I am using excel vba macro to attachmate EXTRA screen.
Result of code below is if the data (dataMatch) is found on the screen ("FD FIND"), the rows (row 2 - 23) are HIGHLIGHTED on the screen. For the screens I am working with, I expect only one row to be highlighted (or none).
How can I capture the line on the screen that is HIGHTLIGHTED (or multilple highlighted rows, for future reference) so that I can use Mid or Trim to extract specific data on that highlighted line?
The row/column indicator remains 01/03 where the command was put to do the FIND.
Currently I am using Do Loop to look at each row for a match of dataMatch.
Call sys.SendKeys("FD FIND " & dataMatch)
Call sys.SendKeys("<ENTER>")
sys.Wait = 200
trying not to give away business property, I am using excel vba macro to attachmate EXTRA screen.
Result of code below is if the data (dataMatch) is found on the screen ("FD FIND"), the rows (row 2 - 23) are HIGHLIGHTED on the screen. For the screens I am working with, I expect only one row to be highlighted (or none).
How can I capture the line on the screen that is HIGHTLIGHTED (or multilple highlighted rows, for future reference) so that I can use Mid or Trim to extract specific data on that highlighted line?
The row/column indicator remains 01/03 where the command was put to do the FIND.
Currently I am using Do Loop to look at each row for a match of dataMatch.
Call sys.SendKeys("FD FIND " & dataMatch)
Call sys.SendKeys("<ENTER>")
sys.Wait = 200