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Catalog Merg / Multiple Import ? 2

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Jul 30, 2003

Let's assume for the sake of DR that you have multiple master servers.

Let's assume that each master server has a few servers fail.

Now, lets assume that your SLA states that you have to bring up all the servers from one master you have at your DR site.

Can multiple catalogs be imported to a single master from multiple masters at the same time and allow restores from each?
I odn't knwo for sure, but I'm going to say no because this sound's as though ti would currupt the database if you have entries for master a over here then entries for master b over here.

I'd call veritas on this one

It can be done. I have done this and written a document on doing this with NBU 3.4.1. Since the 4.5 release, Veritas has moved from a flat file database to a binary database. There are ways to do this but Veritas will not give up the secret with a consulting fee.
Whats the point of that? ( There are ways to do this but Veritas will not give up the secret with a consulting fee). From an admin point of view with over 15 years experience, I must admin Netbackup scares the pants off me if we had a major incident.

Atleast with Backup Exec and the DDR option you could guarantee to recover any box whatever it was, BUT NETBACKUP? I wouldnt know where to start.

Netbackup might be cool for backups but its not a DDR app. You need something a lot easier and Backup exec did the job without any fuss.

So to conclude - Netbackup stinks.


Your conclusion is dependant upon your perspective. From your vast 15 year background I am sure you have learned that each site has different requirements.

My site for example has an SLA that requires multiple masters to recover (Practice) to a DR site elsewhere in the country.

The need for Netbackup is due to size, Backup Exex is great for small sites, unlike our environment.

5 Masters, 11 Media, nearing 52 San Media, 7 L700's, 2 8500's and this is only in the US.

Size creates need, and backup exec does not fit the bill, but thank you for your helpfull insight.
This does sound like a fun challenge. Perhaps the database could be converted back to ascii via cat_convert. Comtec17, do you think your scripts would work then?

Bob Stump
Incorrigible punster -- Do not incorrige
There are no scripts to this as each step is a manual process. I am not sure if it will work with 4.5 or 5.0 since the Voldb is not the same as it used to be.
Hi Dorga

As far as I understood....
There's a possibility to backup other master/media servers catalog db, its volume and media db's.
For DR on FS base it depends if you use UX or MSWindows, some stuff can't be covered through backups on the Unix side, but there's another VxNBU extension called BareMetall Restore.

Was this your question ?:
Furtheron, to merge a catalog DB is one thing, but to merge different media and volume DB's to one single DB, that's impossible (at least without knowing the exact structure of those mentioned files or the right tools - if existing).
About 2 years ago (VxNBU 4.5GA) I did ask VxSwitzerland as a contractor about for an international and big customer, but there wasn't any chance.

How we solved it:
We have 2 Solaris Server clustered (Vx) as one single master server. The DB stuff lays on EMC disks, the application and OS on local disks. If one or, more worse, both master server would fail on OS base, we would jumpstart the OS, reinstall the basic VxNBU application and recover its configuration and DB information from the DB tape, and finally we would restore the whole system (excluding files/folder from the previous restore).

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