I have huge file, a smallest one is about 9GIG of data that needs to verify how many records in the files after sftp from the client. Currently I use cat <filename> |wc -l to get the job done. I was wondering is there a better of doing it.
At the risk of angering the OOUC police, this is one place where [tt]cat[/tt] adds functionality. The [tt]wc[/tt] command on it's own also displays the file name. If all you need is the count, putting it through a pipe with [tt]cat[/tt] does it nicely.
If you just need the count with no file name after it, this works too...
Whilst I agree that your sed solution provides the correct answer the problem is counting the lines in a file. This is what wc was designed to do. I still see wc as the right tool for the job and Sam's suggestion removes the need for cat which keeps the UUOC police happy.
What's the OOUC-police?
Being a major of the gtlt-police, I have to add:
It is forbidden to decorate your filename in a fancy, personal gt/lt-style like this:
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