I've implemented a DTS job that imports data from a Microsoft Access database (via ODBC) into SQL server 7.0.
The Access DB has about 51,000 records. At row 36,899 the importing stops and an error message says there's a casting error. The row did not contain any odd data, it was similar to the 36,000 previous records that were successfully imported. As an experiment, the record was deleted and when DTS was ran again, the same casting error was prompted - now for the record immedietly above the one just deleted (36898).
It seems like the error is not a 'casting' problem but something else like limited db size (although no limit is set and I also increased the size of the db).
I've implemented a DTS job that imports data from a Microsoft Access database (via ODBC) into SQL server 7.0.
The Access DB has about 51,000 records. At row 36,899 the importing stops and an error message says there's a casting error. The row did not contain any odd data, it was similar to the 36,000 previous records that were successfully imported. As an experiment, the record was deleted and when DTS was ran again, the same casting error was prompted - now for the record immedietly above the one just deleted (36898).
It seems like the error is not a 'casting' problem but something else like limited db size (although no limit is set and I also increased the size of the db).