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Cashier Balancing 1

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Technical User
Apr 3, 2014
Newbie here...wanting something very simple, but just can't figure it out.

I am on 3700 RES 4. Very simple setup...1 server, 2 workstations. My issue is around BARTENDERS balancing their nightly drawer.

Every night, I have 2 bartenders behind the bar. Each working on their own workstation with their own drawer. They need the ability to cash out each others tabs/checks because of the dynamic of the location. When they do this however, it throws off their nightly numbers. MY (the manager) numbers are fine.

They do not have a "cashier" assigned. Would that fix this situation? I'm just not sure what changes to make, but feel it should be simple.

To help clarify, here's an example:
Bartender 1 begins a check for $20 bucks.
Bartender 2 cashes out the check for $20 bucks.
End of the night...Bartender 1 is showing $20 dollars SHORT in her drawer, while Bartender 2 shows OVER $20 dollars in hers.

Thanks for your help!
It sounds like you're running employee reports on your bartenders since there are no cashiers assigned. Most Micros systems are configured to post totals to the check employee, not the transaction employee, which is the way to go. Cashiers are poorly named in Micros; they're more like local ledgers. When you assign one to a workstation it keeps track of everything done at that workstation regardless of who signs in or who owns the check. They can also be linked to employees, but that's not very useful unless you're keeping track of a team and assign the same cashier to everyone in each team. In your situation I'd suggest setting up a couple of cashiers and assigning them to the workstations, not the employees.

Here's the setup:
In the configurator go to the Devices tab, User Workstations button, Cashier tab.
Check the "Assign cashier by UWS" option for your bar workstations. (Don't check the "Assign cash drawer by UWS" box).

Go back to the main configurator and go to the Reports tab, Cashier Totals button. This is where you add cashiers so add what you need.

You should have an "assign cashier" button on your Pay or Function screen. You can use that to assign cashiers at the start of each shift. At the end of each shift you run a cashier report, not an employee report, from each bar workstation.

Now for the tricky parts.
[li]Cashiers can be assigned to multiple workstations, employees, or combination of both; so be careful when you start using them.[/li]
[li]If your bar is in it's own RVC check the "Require cashier for all transactions" option for that revenue center in Revenue Centers / RVC Transactions / Cashier. If it isn't you may want to setup a generic cashier for your floor workstations, make sure they have the "assign cashier by workstation" option checked and assign the new cashier to all of them. however you do it, you need this enabled for your bar reports to make sure nothing is rung in without a cashier assignment[/li]
[li]I'd suggest making the Assign Cashier and Cashier Report buttons both macros. The Assign Cashier button should have two steps, assigning the cashier and running a current shift cashier report. This way you'll be able to make sure you're starting each shift at $0. The Cashier Report button should run a current shift cashier report and then unassign the cashier form the workstation. This way nothing else can be rung in until a cashier is assigned, and at that point you can ensure the $0 starting point.[/li]
[li]If your tracking is pretty standard, which it probably is, you can get away with using the stock cashier report. If not you'll have to get somebody to edit one for you in Crystal Reports.[/li]

Hope that at least gives you a starting point.
AWESOME! Thanks for the info! I'll give this a shot and see what happens and will report back!!
Well...it kinda worked...LOL.

I'm sure this is something simple.

I made the recommended changes, but the "cashier" is not the one I have setup for the employee. Here's an example.

I have 5 bartenders total. So in Configurator > Reporting > Cashier Totals - I created 5 cashiers showing the same name as the bartender (makes life easier on me). Then I went to: Employees > Employees > POS - and selected the corresponding cashier in the "Cashier" drop down. However, when the employee signs on...and selected the Macro I created (from above), it doesn't select the correct cashier. It's selecting the first cashier ever assigned.

Should I just use 2 cashiers? It's not a big deal to me as the server should be balancing nightly to the totals printed on the receipts. Any thoughts?
Make sure your macros has the "prompt for operator entry" box checked. That will cause it to ask for the cashier number when you hit the "assign cashier" button. However, if you're linking the cashiers to employees you don't have to assign them at each shift unless your EON procedures unlinks them, and if they're one-to-one with the bartenders there's no need for that.

Personally I prefer linking cashiers to workstations. At the end of the shift I'm balancing the drawer, not the bartender. If a manager goes behind the bar to add/remove cash from the till or relieve a bartender, those transactions will still be part of the workstation's cashier balance.

I too prefer to link cashiers to workstations. Is there a particular place I should ensure THAT is configured?

And again...Thanks so much for helping out this newbie!!
Delete the cashier links for the bartenders, that will override a workstation-cashier link.

Make sure your bar workstations have the "assign cashier to workstation" option enabled per my first response.

When you use the "assign cashier" button at the bar workstations it will assign the cashier you select to the workstation you're signed into. You have to sign into each workstation to assign it a cashier; it can't be done from the server or from another workstation.
Look and see if you have a cashout report for the terminal, not the bartender and also if you can combine cashout reports. (we do this in POSitouch all the time).
If check 1 is closed on terminal 1 then regardless of who closed it, terminal 1's cashout report should show check 1's cash in it and the bartender should put the money in the drawer that opened when they closed the check. Cash drawers should match the terminal report. If you combine all the bartenders into 1 report, they should balance to all the bar terminal reports.
Exactly. A "cashier" in Micros is really just a set of totals. They can be linked to workstations, employees, or a combination. Assigning a single cashier to a single workstation is Micros' way of getting a workstation report. Same idea as yours, just different names.

On my nightly report, I have the following setup:
Configurator > System > Macros - Cashier Report (new macro). On the macro, I have # 1 set for Autosequence: 100002 UWS CASHIER BALANCE REPORT and #2 Function Number "Cashier"

Now...on the Autosequence steps for the 10002 UWS Cashier Balance Report, I have the following:
Date Range Source = Specified
Date Range Selection = 101 Today
Shift Range Source = Current Shift
Object Range Source = Inherit

Error Actions:
Error Action = Stop

Report Template = 95 40Col Cashier Detail Totals

Does it sound like I have the right report configured correctly?
Yep, that sounds right. Just make sure that you don't have any cashiers linked to employees and you should be good to go.
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