I'm trying to create a view that takes a table with 4 columns and makes it appear as if it were 8 columns.
It's based on a marks spread for a large number of students.
The original table layout is:
course_code |School_Year | Student_ID | Mark
What I need to convert it to is
course_code | School_year | Student_ID | FailingGrade | Level1 | Level2 | Level3 | Level4
Where a mark below 50% is FailingGrade
50% to 59.9% is Level 1
and so on.
I'm using 1 to represent true and 0 to be false so that I can do a quick sum on the column.
So if a student had 55%, there would be a 0 in Failing Grade, a 1 in Level1, 0 in Level2 etc.
I thought that I could do
But I get
"ORA-00905: missing keyword" at
when marks < 50 then FailingGrade = 1
at the = sign
Any Suggestions on how I can do this?
It's based on a marks spread for a large number of students.
The original table layout is:
course_code |School_Year | Student_ID | Mark
What I need to convert it to is
course_code | School_year | Student_ID | FailingGrade | Level1 | Level2 | Level3 | Level4
Where a mark below 50% is FailingGrade
50% to 59.9% is Level 1
and so on.
I'm using 1 to represent true and 0 to be false so that I can do a quick sum on the column.
So if a student had 55%, there would be a 0 in Failing Grade, a 1 in Level1, 0 in Level2 etc.
I thought that I could do
Select case
when marks < 50 then FailingGrade = 1
when marks >= 50 and marks < 60 then Level1 = 1
when marks >=60 and marks <70 then Level2 = 2
end, course_code, School_year from myGradeTable
But I get
"ORA-00905: missing keyword" at
when marks < 50 then FailingGrade = 1
at the = sign
Any Suggestions on how I can do this?