Has anyone had issues with Crystal Reports and Trackwise database? I have "Database server is case-insensitive" checked off and it's still not working. For my parameter, if the user enters "LAV", I want "LAV, lav, LAv" all returned. But it's only returning exactly what the user types. Also, if in the parameter it's "LaV" it only returns "LaV". I have no formulas either. This is in my select expert {BAX_MV_GEMS_LOT_DISPO_RPT.LOT_NUMBER} like {?Lot Number} (because they also want to use a wildcard). even if I change it to {BAX_MV_GEMS_LOT_DISPO_RPT.LOT_NUMBER} = {?Lot Number}, still no luck. When trying uppercase({BAX_MV_GEMS_LOT_DISPO_RPT.LOT_NUMBER}) = {?Lot Number} it just does a complete table scan. Ideas?