Need help with the following query - if there is a count for USED then no NEW are counted for each day, if there are no used then NEW is counted - can anyone tell me why?
thanks in advance
Need help with the following query - if there is a count for USED then no NEW are counted for each day, if there are no used then NEW is counted - can anyone tell me why?
CASE eventstocklink.statusid WHEN 2 THEN count(CB.actionid) ELSE 0 END AS USED,
CASE eventstocklink.statusid WHEN 1 THEN count(CB.actionid) ELSE 0 END AS NEW
FROM action AS CB
LEFT JOIN event ON event.eventid = CB.eventid
LEFT JOIN eventstocklink ON eventstocklink.eventstocklinkid = CB.eventstocklinkid
WHERE date(CB.actiondate)
BETWEEN '20091102' AND '20091108'
GROUP BY eventstocklink.statusid, date(CB.actiondate)
thanks in advance